Every year we count on community members and longtime supporters—like you—to provide the strong foundation for our annual programing. Your gift and generosity solidifies history’s importance in our community and ensures IHM’s stability and resilience.
2023 Year-End Wrap Up
As we wrap up a big year of transition at IHM, we want to share with you the highlights and ask for your help in making our plans for a better tomorrow a reality.
Notable 2023 accomplishments:
Hiring of a new Executive Director and Museum Assistant
Volunteer engagement has grown to include: artifact digitization, oral history preparation, trolley maintenance and feasibility study, Depot rentals, Gibson Town Hall exhibit space redesign, and website improvements
Operated 3 highly successful guided tours–with plans to increase in 2024
Oral history publications now at 73 and rising
Community engagement at November Open House with over 70 attendees
Established the IHM History Hero Award, with Greg Spranger receiving the very first for his lifetime achievements
Priority objectives for 2024:
Restart the Depot Museum docent program and expand the hours and days of operation
Open an all-new exhibit at the Gibson Town Hall Museum
Increase the variety and number of guided history tours
Relaunch the trolley program, if feasible
Preservation of 18 named collections & nearly 40,000 artifacts
Engagement with 20 high school students on history projects
Reaching 7,000+ people every month via social media
You may give online or mail in a check
Online by clicking one of the buttons or filling out the form below.
Via US Mail by sending a contribution to Issaquah History Museums, P.O. Box 695, Issaquah, WA 98027
Thank you for your generous support!
IHM Donation Levels